Students in Ms. O's Geometry class created Disney magic bands to clock in for their first day of work for Walt Disney Imagineering. Students analyzed different aspects of the parks to help review for our exam: Splash Mountain ride mechanics using Trigonometry, right triangles on Cinderella Castle using Geometric Mean, and the triangles that make up Spaceship Earth (aka the Epcot ball) using Pythagorean Theorem.
Way to go, Mavericks!

Congratulations to our Senior of the Week: John Paul Lopez!
JP was nominated by Ms. Ariza because he is very considerate of others.
Way to go, JP! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Sophomore of the Week: Tayla Elizondo!
Tayla was nominated by Ms. Ariza because she is respectful, kind, and a motivated student!
Thank you, Tayla! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Freshman of the Week: Jevan Torres!
Jevan was nominated by Ms. Ariza because he is polite and respectful with everyone. He is also a super smart and dependable student.
Way to go, Jevan! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our amazing counselors: Victoria Ariza and Katheryn Burnett! There is nothing these ladies cannot handle, and we are thankful for everything they do for our Mavericks!
Thank you counselors!

Congratulations to our own AFJROTC Cadets Jackson Beever, Zarina Leal, Arturo Hernandez & Caitlyn Rodriguez for competing in this years JROTC Academic Bowl and advancing to the semi-final round. This is a world wide event where cadets compete against all JROTC military branches.

Congratulations to our two amazing Teachers of the Week: David Alcala (not pictured) and John Zamzow (pictured)!!
These awesome teachers did a first-rate job helping out with the Frio County Livestock Show!
Thank you, gentlemen, for everything you do for our Mavericks!

Congratulations to the following recipients of Caught Being Kind: Joelynn Teran, Eric Contreras,Jayden Amaya, Nick Camarillo, and Kittipob Parajin!
These members of PHS News helped out the Frio County Junior Livestock Show with the Facebook Live feeds.
Way to go, Mavericks!

Congratulations to our Sophomore of the Week: Ryan Hughes!
Ryan was nominated by Ms. Gonzalez because he always works beyond the expectations and vigorously strives to be the best.
Way to go, Ryan! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Junior of the Week: Nilay Patel and our Senior of the Week: Christopher Patino.
Nilay was nominated by Ms. Gonzalez for going beyond expectations in her class and vigorously striving to be the best.
Christopher was nominated by Mr. Hicks for earning 4 ASE certification tests.
Way to go, Nilay and Christopher!

Congratulations to our Freshman of the Week: Johnny Ramos!
Johnny was nominated by Mrs. Perez because he is always cheerful and helpful. Mrs. Perez is also proud of all his hard work in her class.
Way to go, Johnny! Keep up the great work!

Hello Pearsall ISD Community
Please view the attached flyer. School will start at 10am.

Kindness Week is next week! Here are the different themes for each day!
Here's a video that asks: Is our world becoming meaner and meaner? We talk to each other in disrespectful ways, but is there anything you can do about it?

Congratulations to our Teacher of the Week: Mr. Robert Contreras!
Mr. Contreras works hard to share his love of reading and writing with our Mavericks!
Thank you, Mr. Contreras, for everything you do for our campus!

Congratulations to this week's recipient for, "Caught Being Kind": Alexa Howard!
Alexa came in clutch with the assistant for a fellow Maverick during the stock show.
Thank you, Alexa for making the world a kinder place!

Congratulations to our Senior of the Week: Emily Valle!
Emily was nominated by Mr. Garza because she participates in class discussions, works well with peers, completes assignments on time, and comes to class with a positive attitude!
Way to go Emily!Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Junior of the Week: Samantha Diaz!
Samantha was nominated by Mr. Crawford because she is always punctual and read to learn, exemplifying the model high school student.
Way to go, Samantha! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Sophomore of the Week: Elizabeth Burrows!
Elizabeth was nominated by Mr. Marcrum because she is always upbeat and ready to help or answer questions in class.
Way to go, Elizabeth! Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to our Freshman of the Week: Mya Fernandez!
Mya was nominated by Coach Hernandez because she does a great job participating in class discussions and excelling in her assignments!
Way to go, Mya! Keep up the great work!

Students in Mrs. Diaz-Alejandro's Pre-Cal class work in teams to study up for their exam on trigonometric ratios. Keep up the great work, Mavericks! Best of luck tomorrow on your test!