Congratulations to our Sophomore of the Week: Joey Segura! Joey was nominated by Mrs. Vasquez because he worked hard to improve his writing skills in and out of the classroom. Way to go, Joey! Keep up the great work!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Sophomore of the Week: Joey Segura
For those wanting to apply to become an Athletic Training Student! Today, 4/12, is the last day to turn in all applications. Late applications will not be accepted.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Tina Bausinger! Mrs. Bausinger is our English III and English Dual Credit teacher! She works hard to create original lessons and activities for her students Thank you, Mrs. Bausinger, for everything you do for our campus!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Tina Bausinger
Shout out to a recipient of, "Caught Being Kind": Britney Villarreal! Britney was nominated by our AFJROTC instructors for her happiness and willingness to always help out! Thank you, Britney, for making the world a kinder place!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Shout out to our recipient for "Caught Being Kind": Sandie Maltos! Sandie was nominated because she stopped to render aide when she noticed her friend choking in the cafeteria. Way to go, Sandie! Thank you for making the world a kinder place!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Congratulations to our Junior of the Week: Shelly Luna! Shelly was nominated by Mrs. Bausinger because of her stellar work ethic and sweet personality. Mrs. Bausinger added that, "Shelly is truly a bright spot in my day." Way to go, Shelly! Keep up the great work!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Junior of the Week: Shelly Luna
Congratulations to our Senior of the Week: Ebony Corona! Ebony was nominated by Mrs. Amberg because she always tries her best and has a happy attitude! Great job, Ebony! Keep up the great work!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Senior of the Week: Ebony Corona
The representative from Texas Grad will be on campus tomorrow, Friday, April 8th to deliver Cap and Gowns and Senior Rings during all lunch periods.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
The representative from  Texas Grad will be on campus tomorrow, Friday, April 8th to deliver Cap and Gowns and Senior Rings during all lunch periods
Congratulations to our 8th Grader of the Week: Jacelynn Chavera! Jacelynn was nominated by her AFJROTC instructors for being an outstanding cadet! Keep up the great work, Jacelynn!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
8th Grader of the Week: Jacelynn Chavera
Effective April 11, 2022, there will be no more ACE bus transportation. Please contact the coordinator at each site for any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
ACE Flyer: Effective April 11, 2022 There will be no more ACE bus transportation. Please contact campus coordinators for questions.
Shout out to a recipient of Caught Being Kind: Destiny Sanchez! This Lady Mavs softball captain took the time to give some pointers to a future Lady Mav. Great job, Destiny! Thank you for making the world a kinder place!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Caught Being Kind: Destiny Sanchez
Caught Being Kind: Destiny Sanchez
Congratulations to these superb Students of the Week: Freshman: Carlos Ramirez, Sophomore: Monique Rodriguez, Junior: Katie Croft, and Senior: Abigail Lugo! This week students were nominated by our AFJROTC instructors. Great job, cadets! Keep up the great work!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Students of the Week: Carlos Ramirez (9th), Monique Rodriguez (10th), Katie Croft (11th), and Abigail Lugo (12th).
Congratulations to our Teachers of the Week: Mr. Justo Idrogo and Ms. Stephanie Esparza (not pictured)! Both teachers have been hard at work with their EOC English team to get our Mavericks prepared for English I and English II EOC. Thank you, Mr. idrogo and Ms. Esparza!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Teacher of the Week: Mr. Idrogo
Congratulations to our Employee of the Month: Mrs. Sofia Longoria! Mrs. Longoria does an outstanding job teaching our culinary and human development classes at PHS. She also serves as one of our Sophomore class representative. Bravo, Mrs. Longoria! Thank you for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Employee of the Month: Mrs. Sofia Longoria!
Congratulations Air Force Raiders Team for completing the 19 mile 30k Challenge earning them the coveted 30K Gauntlet Challenge Medal. Cadets Tori Vega, Natalie Vega, Javen Acosta, Romeo Vega and Marc Ramirez.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Cadets Tori Vega, Natalie Vega, Javen Acosta, Romeo Vega and Marc Ramirez.
Congratulations to our PHS Color Guard and weightlifters recognized at the PISD School Board Meeting last night! We are so proud of you!!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
PHS Color Guard recognized at PISD Board Meeting.
PHS weightlifters recognized at PISD School Board Meeting
Looking for all students wanting to be Student Athletic Trainers for the year 2022-2023. If your interested, please pick up an application in Doc Silva's office, room 708 in the new gym. All applications are due Tuesday, April 12.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
11 March 2022 Cadets from PHS AFJROTC TX-20001st complete 14 mile memorial march memory for those who endured the 65mile Bataan Death March during the Pacific War. Thank you cadets, Mr. Crawford who also joined the march with his ruck on and the local Law enforcement who provided escort services.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Students arriving at the school
Students walking
students walking
students walking with flags
Congratulations to our Teachers of the Week: Marie Gutierrez, Victoria Rodriguez, and Sabrina Davis (not pictured)! At Pearsall High School, we are blessed to work with dedicated professionals as our Special Education teachers. These ladies work tirelessly to help our Mavericks succeed. Thank you, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Gutierrez, and Coach Rodriguez! We appreciate everything you do for our students!
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Teachers of the Week: Marie Gutierrez, Victoria Rodriguez, and Sabrina Davis (not pictured)
Shout out to recipients of our Caught Being Kind: Jackson Beever and Devin Alva! Jackson and Devin were nominated by Mrs. Nix because they saw food on the floor and helped clean it up. Thank you, Jackson and Devin, for making the world a kind place.
almost 3 years ago, Pearsall High School
Caught Being Kind: Jackson Beever and Devin Alva